Zihao Li

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PhD student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Princeton University
Email: zihaoli [at] princeton.edu

About me

Welcome to my homepage! I am currently a third-year PhD in ECE department at Princeton University. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Mengdi Wang. Before coming to Princeton, I obtained my B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Fudan University in 2022. You can find my CV here. My research interests lie in understanding modern machine learning from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. From the theoretical side, I aim to understand the principle of algorithms through tools in mathematics and statistics. From the empirical side, I aim to tackle impactful and challenging application problems through this understanding. My previous research includes topics such as reinforcement learning, generative models, and causal inference.


My name in Chinese is 李(=Li)子灏(=Zihao), which pronounces like Lee-Tzu-Hao in English. My pronouns are he/him/his. I am from Shanghai, China. I enjoy cooking and Total War when not working. My Erdos number is 5. You can find me through email or Wechat. All discussions are welcome!

